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My goodness girl, a parents job is to raise the children to become independent individuals with a life of their own. I agree with most that you should speak to a counselor, perhaps there are jobs you could take on at college. Definitely NTJ. See what your options are and make a goal of what to accomplish I'm 3 months, 6 months and a year. Explain to ( hopefully you have a relative that will understand you) someone you trust and move forward with your life. When I was a teenager I bounced all sorts of ideas off my Mom, she only ever encouraged me to be happy and safe Even when one idea was to fix up a van and take a year off college and drive around the United States exploring. I never did do that and I'm grown with grandchildren now and still think about it sometimes lol
NTJ you will always support him. I was working 2 jobs and my ex barely worked worked and then he gets mad at me for not taking on a 3rd job he found me! Run run run
NTJ but your friends pressuring you are acting like it. There are so many ways to put your hair up. The bride has lost her mind thinking that no one can have longer hair than her.
Wow! Talk about a control freak! It's your wedding not hers. I would go ahead with your plan and let her know she's welcome to plan an "after " party for the out of towners at her expense. Good for you and future husband for sticking to your plan You are definitely NTJ
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