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Of course you should wear what you want! Like your fiance said it is your wedding! Now maybe you guys could work out some compromise and maybe you and your future husband could do a photo shoot with your mother's dress. Then she could have a the picture of her dreams. If she won't settle for that then just rock your purple dress and enjoy your day!
Oh my gosh! He is definitely the JERK. Are you supposed to be a mind reader and he didn't appreciate anything else you did for him. It's not your responsibility to make sure he has a good birthday. Remind him that he doesn't appreciate your previous attempts and don't worry about anyone else
NTJ nope, I would have done the same thing!
Will your mom help you financially if you take off? Depends on your relationship with your mother if I would go. I would do whatever it took to help my mom, she passed at 63.
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