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NTJ...stop walking on eggshells and start running for the door!! She is abusive 1. The way she talks to you 2. Telling you it's your fault she acts the way she does
NTJ.. do they expect you to miss all of life's big moments because your sister may not have them. So do your parents think if your sister doesn't find love, get married or have kids you can't either
Major YTJ!!! it was your youngest stage debut and what is something she is going to remember about that night? Mommy yelling at Grandma and arguing with stepmother. You robbed yourself and others of a beautiful evening because you had to address the fact she missed your other child's shows right then. And I'm sorry I call bull on your youngest daughter looking at you and saying your right
I'm going against the majority and say YTJ..his dad isn't as smart as you sister (sorry for your lose) but maybe that wasn't important to her, she loved him for who he is...his step family isn't as smart as him, he never "bonded"with them . have you encouraged him to try or are you perhaps helping to alienate him from them so he will stay with you and maybe take the place of your sister in your life
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