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AITJ For Ruining New Year's Day?
2 years ago
NTJ OH. MY. GAWD! The amount of disrespect from the whole family is mind-boggling! The few rules that you set were not unreasonable. And not only were none followed, they moved in 2 more people without asking or even telling you! This is insane. And none of these GROWN-curious ADULTS are contributing. Not even to clean up after themselves or walk their lazy butts outside to smoke. They are taking complete advantage of you! You would be well within your rights to kick them all out on their butts. (Except for maybe mom.) You have every right to have rules & to except them to follow those rules. Sounds like you need to have a come-to-Jesus meeting to give them all a big reality check.
AITJ For Taking A Joke Too Far?
2 years ago
NTJ Mom is the one eavesdropping on private conversations & made an obviously false assumption about her daughter. Learn to read a room, Mom! I'd be pretty offended if my mom thought I was truly capable of acting that way. Towards my sister, no less. I don't understand how this got to be blown up into this stupid scene. It should've ended with a good laugh & everyone moved on.
AITJ For Not Wearing A Bra?
2 years ago
NTJ I would say, "So, let me be sure I have this right... You want me to be in more pain than I have to be just so you can pretend you're not a pervert? Is that right?"