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Ytj big time here kiddo. As long as "moms" ok w her using her name it doesn't matter what you think or feel. You do not get to dictate these things or think any which way about it. This is a u problem. I call my step dad dad because he raised me from birth. My bio thing is my sperm donor and his (now ex) wife I have always called by her name because guess what she's not my mother. My siblings used to get upset with me exactly how you are your sister and she and bio thing got mad at them as well for butting into things that aren't their business. Eventually I called her mom (well into my adult hood when I figured out she wasn't the issue bio thing was) I don't expect my kid to call her step dad dad never have never will. She does so willingly unlike my last ex she called by their name.
I'm going ntj. You repeated your order like 4 times. How in 2 minutes does one forget that? Even I who could plan my own surprise party w thw way my memory is either wouldn't have forgotten or if I did I'd have texted or waited for you to return so I know I got the right thing. As a lactose intolerant person I can co cede that non dairy items can be kinda gross but then to go sugar free on top of that is just awful. It was your money used to purchase it there fore if you don't want it you are not obligated to eat it or give it to them. As per her pushing the issue then getting mad when u finally gwt mad in a reactive way and call her out. No she pushed it she was infact lazy and thoughtless and did it to herself
Ytj. 1 you didn't vibe well leave it at that (currently doing that w my kids teacher as she comes off as lazy and dismissive) 2 you then went scouring the interwebs to see what she's up to 3 given that you did this and didn't like what she's doing during her personal time away from thw school where it's none of your business you then went and shared her personal account information with others. She had every right to accuse you of stalking because you are! 4 yes it's good she had to take the pics w kids down because she should have been getting consent to post minors, however you are purposely out to ruin this person's life because u didn't like their vibe and they should now what be punished cuz omg I don't like her so she need to suffer? Grow up and get a life what she does outside the school is of no consequence to you or the kids as long as she's not doing anything illegal
Ntj. 1 she ran off to join a cult when she turned 18 and cut contact w everyone 2 not your fault she didn't have life insurance or a will. 3 ask those family members why it should be fully shouldered by yourself and how much they plan to contribute 4 why would you pay for someone's funeral that you didn't have a functional relationship for. 5 why are the people you listed as bot having jobs not working?!
I'd just be like I'm willing to contribute x amount (if you feel inclined) and state the rest is up to them to pay
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