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WIBTJ If I Don't Go To My Dad's Wedding?
2 years ago
I regret going to my dad's second wedding. It was all for show, to make it seem like his kids were on board with him marrying my mom's best friend a year after the divorce was finalized. I don't have or want a relationship with him now and I'd burn every picture with me in it if I could. Your relationship may be different, and if you don't go, you probably won't have one. Just make sure you are aware of that.
AITJ For Not Giving My Notes To A Classmate?
2 years ago
It honestly doesn't matter what you do. She hasn't watched the lectures or gone to class. Even if she's allowed to take the test (none of my professors would even consider it), she's going to fail.
AITJ For Not Calling My Dad's Wife My Stepmom?
2 years ago
My parents divorced when I was 33. My dad immediately remarried with the woman he cheated on my mom with. We don't have proof but she was my mom's best friend and they spent a lot of alone time together before my dad left the divorce papers on the counter with a post it note for my mom to sign. This was valentine's day. By Christmas he moved in with her and they married the next year. That woman is not my stepmother. Leaving out everything else, I am an adult who doesn't want or need a new mommy. My mother and I are very close. Having a relationship with this woman would feel like a betrayal.
Your situation is different because of your age and the fact that there are younger siblings involved but just because your dad married her doesn't make her family. Her behavior says she'll never be family. NTA x 100000000!
First babies have a tendency to show up late. You might not be 9 days post pardem, you might only be a day or so or even still pregnant. Hard no from me. I had both of my kids c sections. We saw people 4 days after Maggie was born only because it was Christmas. Even then, everyone understood that I had just been gutted like a fish and wasn't up for much. I was also the crazy protective first time mom. Anyone who was going to breathe the same air as her had to have a flu shot. Anyone planning on holding her had to have a DTAP updated. I don't think I took her anywhere the unvaccinated masses could get her until at least 6 months and this was before unpredictable. Flu season and RSV season have started. Big gatherings with drinking and people I don't know would be a curious no for me. My mom could be getting remarried and I still wouldn't take a newborn there.
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