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Don't bend. She doesn't need you there. she's not going to DIE if you don't sleep over. Get a hotel. Refuse to give reasons that she can argue against. Just keep repeating, "we're going to be staying at the Radisson" without variation in tone or phrasing until she gets bored and stops asking.
I can't imagine having to stop what I'm doing and make word noises at some old stranger. It sounds like literal h**l. You don't owe Rita s**t. I agree with the person who said to talk about horrifically offensive things if you're forced into conversation. Do not apologize. Give her a thumbs up and keep walking.
Is she going to reimburse you for your costs and find an alternative event for you to attend? Didn't think so. She's an adult, so the "orphan" thing isn't really a concern. What does she expect youto do?? Sit up her a*s all day asking "feel better now? How bout now?"
Just slide them out of your way and go about your day. If they get stolen, they get stolen. Stop borrowing trouble.
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