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AITJ For Asking My Sister To Be One Of My Groomsmen?
11 months ago
Ntj. Your fiance' is a big jerk and speaking as a woman this is a huge red flag!!! This animosity between the 2 is only going to get worse as the years go on especially when you have children. Is your fiance' going to allow your sister to babysit kids, take them shopping etc all without having a fit? You will have nothing but problems in your marriage. Do you really want to live like this for years and years when thete are so many other kind women out here who would love you and your sister? You need to think long and hard before saying 'i do' with said fiance'!
Ntj. Your husband needs to get over himself he is ridlculous! Stay at your frends for as long as you can.
WIBTJ If I Don't Adopt My Ex's Other Child?
11 months ago
You would not be a jerk t sue for custody of your son. But you should alo contact a family lawyer and see about becomig an emergency foster parent of Grace and then adopting her if possible. Wishing you and yur family the best
AITJ For Getting A Babysitter Blacklisted?
11 months ago
Ntj. Actions have consequences and she got hers. She is also a racist bigot.
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AITJ For Getting A Babysitter Blacklisted?
11 months ago