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I get the feeling that hubby's family would have still flipped out if she did that. Since according to them the "family tradition" is that husband's youngest sibling is MOH no one else.
Soft YTJ, I completely understand why you needed to get out but you should have definitely messaged your husband where you were and why before you shut off your phone. I can only imagine how terrified he was when he was told you were missing, because with the way your BILs and SIL responded to your message they definitely weren't going to accept your response. They probably immediately contacted your husband to tell him you were missing.
NTJ!! Seriously, when you were trying to tell your mom about the pregnancy, she literally told you that you were wrong for bringing up a baby when you know how your sister is! Once she said that, why would you tell her about the pregnancy after she sided with your sister. If I was in your shoes I would have done the same thing you did and not said anything.
Her husband passed away, the kids can't go live with their dad for that reason. That is also why they had to move into a smaller place to begin
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