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Tell your dad you are only doing family therapy if he lets you do individual. Use that time to process your frustration and grief from being let down by your dad, sister and help you understand it's okay to build a future apart from them. Then figure out how to go to school or military or move in with grandparents at 18.
You don't have a MIL you have a husband problem. Leave him and protect your children from him and his mother.
Ntj. But here is the life lesson. It is not a good idea to be friends with an ex. It will always seem disloyal to new partners. And frequently one person is only "friends" because they want a relationship. She was never interested in being your friend and now that she knows how you feel she will go NC.
So basically you and your wife agree to not buy something. She spends 95% of the time with your kid, so she obviously knows he wants it. And in one rare moment when she is not around, you buy it to look like the hero to your child. YTJ and you know it.
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