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AITJ For Giving Away My Partner's Cat?
3 years ago
I think at least one person cannot read at all.
Yes, you are a jerk. Your girlfriend is even worse. She is deliberately making sure that you suffer? Dump her. Go get her cat back, give it to her, and then either find another place or give her a deadline to find another place. Allergies are miserable, and they can actually turn into something much worse. This is a health issue.
By the way, to the person who said that they never talked about it: Go up and read the original. She knew exactly what she was doing.
Ummm... They ARE doctors. You have no idea what they had to do to earn it. Yes-- they EARNED it. As for your dad, I will happily call him "master." But I have two master's degrees, so I expect the same.
You need to put a stop to this permanently. If it continues long enough, the property won't be all yours anymore. They will have a right-of-way on it. I suggest putting barriers up. I know it's annoying for you, but it will protect your rights.