Metaspoon User
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From the storyline, it appears that Jen had a preconceived bias against you. Maybe due to you having a supportive family; Maybe due to you having money; Maybe both or neither.
In any case, her decision to steal your necklace, sell it and then lie about it while in pre-law was a poor choice.
And it was her choice. You have no blame.
Young children may not know what to say or how to act when a death occurs. This is a normal learning curve. I would not let their non-acknowledgement of your wife's passing sway your decision.
As for the distribution of assets, there is no rule that you have to give equal shares to everyone. I agree that you should take into consideration what you believe your wife would have wanted. And if that is for her family to receive the bulk of her assets, then you should feel no hesitatIon to do so.