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NTJ. One, tell your dad about the phone call; he needs to know what his wife is doing behind his back. Two, block that walking incubator and sperm donor. They are entitled jerks who should step up to their responsibilities and not try to foist them off on you. Three, if anyone tries to give you grief about not helping out, return the favor and tell them that they are free to take over. Then block them. Maintain your relationship with your father and grandfather; besides you, they seem to be the only level-headed ones involved.
NTJ. Foregoing the family tradition may seem a little strong, but it may be the only way to get the point across. Why attend functions where you are constantly overlooked and underrepresented? But first, try to discuss how you're feeling with them. Then attend the next function. If things change for the better, well and good. But if they follow the usual pattern, there's your answer. Your absence will speak volumes where mere words fail.
NTJ. Just out of curiosity, what does SHE do for YOUR birthday? Does she allow you to make the plans, or does she just take over and decide how you will spend the time? In any case, she should at least check with you BEFORE purchasing tickets and making arrangements for her birthday that include you. But you two need to discuss schedules and events. Otherwise, it could sour your relationship to the point of no return.
NTJ. Where the heck did your sperm donor get off criticizing you UNDER YOUR OWN ROOF?! You were more than justified in telling him to leave; he was WA-A-A-A-Y out of line. His "apology" was just a way of shifting the blame from himself to you (for being offended). The next time he's in town, give him a list of hotels in the area, meet up with him for dinner, part ways. He doesn't deserve another minute of your time.
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