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I guess I'm cut from a different cloth. I was taught to ALWAYS offer a meal if my guests are in my home around dinner time. Could have ordered in if behind on grocery shopping but some type of offer of food should have been made, invited guests or not. Just being a good hostess.
He asked, you answered gets butt hurt over the truth that's on him
Ntj... everyone has a past and evidently it didn't bother anyone but him..ask her if it was a problem, if so, apologize, if not hes a jerk
I'd give anything to have one more vacation with my Grandma....cherish them while you have them and share the room with her, ask her for stories about her life, you will be surprised at how interesting she is... besides, regardless of your anxiety issues, you parents are paying for the vacation and they want both of you there, dont miss out on time you cant get back with your grand
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