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NTA, having limited to no love from your mother can make someone absolutely crazy. Watching your mom care for hundreds of other people a day and ignore your cries for help is devastating. Your mom is the biggest a*****e here and needs her a*s kicked.
NTA, kids are annoying, especially Karen's kids. I have my own kid and i know kids are annoying. I'd punch tf out of Karen, how f*****g rude.
As someone with mental health issues, NTA. I understand the overwhelming feeling a full sink of dishes can cause. My husband and I wash a few dishes every day, we're both severely depressed, its hard to get through. Seeing a giant stack of dishes is intimidating, especially when all you're thinking about is depression, anxiety, people hating you, and you ask "hey can you wash 3 or 4 dishes to lighten the load so its less overwhelming for me?" And everyone calls you a manipulative a*****e, I'd hate my family too.
Asking politely that grown adults don't talk with a mouthful of food like a toddler isn't setting the rules, it's normal? Look up autism, j*****s.
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