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YTJ 100x over. As someone whose partner prioritized themselves many times over our child you know you are the jerk here and just need confirmation. A birthday party of a friend is never more important than your child. You are a child yourself
Yeah totally YTJ. I do agree y'all definitely should have communicated better on the topic but it's not like he took her to get a lip pierced or something. It's her ears. That's a serious overreaction. And threatening to take what little time he has with his daughter away over something so trivial makes you an even bigger jerk.
NTJ Georgiana is a beautiful name. It was my great grandmother's name, though she went by Jean which is the middle name I gave my own daughter. Nobody else should be telling you what you can or can't name your own children and it's a jerk move on their part to do so.
My cousin had a bottle of that and us being drunk and stupid wanted to know what it tasted like on cheese sticks so we dipped the tip, about a quarter inch, in it. About 3 bottles of water later our mouths were still on fire. We never did that again

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