Metaspoon User
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ESH. You can't expect to claim a public space as your own, although you did good and showed respect to ask and then wait in an attempt to not smoke around her. She also can't expect that public space to be for just her and for a person to not smoke out in public where it's allowable
ESH. I agree with Venetrix2. While your partner seems to be overreacting, you have been with them for 5 years and you were completely dismissive. Your partner says that you're family exclude them. It can be easy to miss things like that with family, but have you examined that at all? If your family does treat your partner badly, is there a valid reason or are they just being a******s and you stand by letting it happen?
AITJ For Not Sharing My Groceries With My Roommates?
7 months ago
NTJ. Sounds like they're trying to take advantage of you. If you aren't taking any of their food and such, then why in the world would they think they should be able to just take yours?! I'd have a slight concern on them messing with your stuff now - from their response to this, they seem like they'd be petty and enjoy ganging up on you/messing with you
My parents had a similar attachment to their last name and were each the "last of their line" so they really struggled when my brother dropped a portion of it. As I've gotten older I can see and understand their feelings a lot more. To them, it feels like a desire to step away from the family, or "they don't like me". But in reality that's not your reasoning for this choice. And it's your name and your decision, not theirs. And they have to accept that and not push or try to guilt/ hurt you - although I'd strongly recommend to give them some understanding that it might be hard on them while they come to terms with your choice. I'd say NTJ or NJH. If you're interested in compromise, I'd say to think about making your name hyphenated as a show of you and your fiance coming together
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