UPS Driver Stops Truck, Bangs On Front Door Of Home To Warn Owners Of The Chilling Scene Outside

I love it when I have a productive day. Who doesn’t? But I’m talking about an extra productive day. Like one where you’re able to tick all the boxes off your list – shoot off emails that have been sitting in your inbox; hit the grocery store; drop off the dry cleaning; pick up your freshly shined shoes and meet an old friend for coffee. All of this, after having put in a solid day at work.

That is a day well done. Everything that needed tending to was able to get sorted and finished. And now you can go home and hang your hat. But accidents happen close to home, don’t they? Just when you think you’re in the clear, something goes awry, like for this UPS driver who was a hero, and saved the day at the end of his!

Paul Pereira, a UPS driver in Boston, USA, was on the last leg of his day’s journey when out of the corner of his eye, he saw something out of the ordinary. He was driving in his truck when he noticed a house on the other side of the street up in flames. The porch was engulfed, but the back was still untouched. Paul dashed out of his truck to the house and knocked to make sure no one was in there. But there was.

Unbeknownst to Brian and Tracy Lavender, their house was on fire, and Tracy and her daughter were the only two in there. They had no idea what was going on outside! Paul, and by this time, the neighbors, were yelling “fire” and telling them to get out. 911 was called but in the meantime, Paul took matters into his own hands. Shouting for a hose, he managed to get his hands on one and started to put out the fire himself!

A neighbor mentions that if Paul hadn’t taken such initiative, the porch would have been toast, and the house would have been burnt to a crisp. The flames were already massive when he got there, but Paul saved the house and a couple of lives!

In the 22 years of working for UPS, I bet this was his most exciting day! The community is calling him a hero, to which he replies, “I don’t feel that I’m a hero. I think anybody would do it if they saw a fire and act on it.” I still think it’s pretty remarkable, and a very productive day!

Click below to watch Paul in action. He is one fast thinker!

Source: FaithTap

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