Talented Young Girl Impresses Judges With Whitney Houston Cover

If I could choose to sing like any singer, it would, without a doubt, be Whitney Houston. Having grown up surrounded by famous voices like Dionne Warwick and her soul-singing mom Cissy Houston, Whitney had incredible mentors to look up to. That, plus her innate, God-given voice that she nurtured and worked on for years. While she may have had some help, she built her own legacy on her own terms.

Not usually matched by anyone out there, Whitney is a gem. That being said, her challenging songs and one-of-a-kind voice are frequently seen as the perfect way for other budding talents to demonstrate their own vocal capabilities. Both adults and children like to take on a Whitney classic.

On this little girl’s blind audition for the Voice Kids Netherlands, Tyra wanted to show she can sing a Whitney song but opted for a different hit, one that’s a little off the beaten path. Tyra chose to sing the dramatic and epic “I Have Nothing” to try to win over the judges. It looks like she made a perfect choice. Right after her first notes, all three judges lean forward, assuming the ready-to-slam-the-buzzer-at-a-moment’s-notice position.

Tyra croons on, as one judge holds his heart, letting his jaw drop in disbelief. He’s already sold, but he just needs one more push. The other two judges are smitten too, all three swaying side to side as Tyra sings her heart out on the pitch and with confidence. She reaches the bridge, and all three judges are just waiting for her to get to that single high note on the first lyric of the chorus. Will she get it or crack? Can she really nail it like Whitney? The one judge uses a hand gesture to communicate to the others that that’s what he’s waiting for. This one note will establish whether or not she will move forward in the competition.

They are eagerly waiting for Tyra to hit it, and just as she gets to it, she knocks it out of the park! Tyra reaches that crescendo with gusto and everyone slams down and turns around to face this angelic voice. They are all beyond pleased with her talent and ready to take her on to the next step. Tyra may have taken a risk with this mature song, but it looks like it paid off. She really proved her range with this one.

Click the video below to catch Tyra’s standout performance singing a fabulous version of the Whitney classic.

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