The animals in our lives can do crazy things. One minute, your pup may be digging to China in your backyard burying a squirrel carcass after you pleaded him not to, then next thing you know, your canine is kindly responding to your request to retrieve the morning paper — this time in one piece. Sometimes we just don’t know what to expect from our dearest pets, but they make our life that much more worth it, spontaneousness and all.
However, it’s not just dogs that give us excitement; all animals offer their unique personalities and means of interaction with their owners.
Two birds, Sadie and Jonathan, provide the ultimate performance in their gone-viral video that puts an instant smile on our face. After Mom began blasting “What is Love” by Haddaway the animals start to bob their heads.
Next thing you know, it appeared that the two birds were competing to see who could bob their head better and faster. I don’t know which is funnier: the background music or the birds’ dancing! The longer the so-called dance competition lasted, the better it got. The owners couldn’t keep a straight face either as their two feathery friends offered silly moves.
One may say, “All birds bob their head to music” but what made this video unique was that it was an adorable bonding moment comprised of a little healthy competition. At some points in the video, we even see that the birds stop dancing to watch the other bird’s moves before resuming, communicating to us that this indeed is a dance-off.
But wait, you haven’t received the best of it; watch the full dance-off below! Which bird do you think won?