Thoughtful Grandpa Delivers Donuts To Grandkids By Drone While In Quarantine

Do you ever just crave something sweet? (Honestly, that’s me almost all the time. Yikes.) Maybe you long for icy-cold ice cream on a hot day. Or, maybe you’re like me and you love an ooey, gooey, warm brownie fresh out of the oven. Then every now and again, you might just get a craving for a glazed donut or a frosted donut with sprinkles. I think Homer Simpson would definitely approve!

It looks like getting to munch on a donut just because isn’t only an excitement for Homer but also for Kevin Procopio’s grandchildren. Shortly after Procopio received the news that his Saugus, Massachusetts family was getting some serious cabin fever, he had an idea to make their day while following social distancing recommendations.

Procopio, being the thoughtful grandpa that he is, asked his family to walk out on their deck and wait. Moments later, the three grandchildren, who are all under the age of five, were stunned when they saw a small drone slowly passing over their deck. Yep, the drone was being flown by Grandpa himself!

As the drone began to descend towards the ground, the grandkids were greeted with a box, which was attached to the drone. Inside the box were some delicious Munchkins Dunkin’ Donut Holes for them to enjoy! That’s one great way to put a smile on a kid’s face.

Both the kiddos and the adults of the household were in awe when they witnessed the surprise drone delivery occur right before their eyes. And I’m pretty positive their mouths were watering when they saw the contents inside the box. Who can resist donuts?!

I think stories like this remind us that there are many alternative ways we can connect with the people we care about, even during a global outbreak. Although our loved ones might be quarantined in another household, we’re still able to reach out to them and put a smile on their face, even if we can’t be there with them in person.

All I can say is, I will never take making a trip to one of my local donut shops for granted again. Nothing beats walking into a sweet-scented donut shop and sitting down to enjoy a fresh donut with cold milk. One day soon, Procopio’s grandchildren won’t have to have donuts delivered by Grandpa but can go out and about and enjoy their donut anywhere they please.

Either way, Procopio is one cool grandpa for doing what he did! Watch him deliver the drone donuts below. (Hey, Grandpa, you think you could ship a box or two to my house as well?)

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