Guitar-Playing Man Sings A Song Titled “Things Not To Say To Your Wife”

Everyone has a different take on marriage. Some people are for the institution whereas others don’t believe in the idea of it all—both sides are perfectly alright, and you can be on either or. For those who are married though, you know that there comes a time when you and your significant other have a list of things that you know you just can’t say to one another. It can be a sensitive issue, like weight, or something a lot lighter in nature and more like a joke.

This rule usually applies more to men, and there’s even a cliched list of things men shouldn’t say to their wives—EVER! I’m sure you’ve read/heard the items that are on this list, but just in case you missed it, the man in the video below has written a whole song on it, and it’s nothing short of hilarious.

Let’s just agree that marriage is different for everyone and everyone creates their own set of rules. It just so happens that this man found a song that perfectly reflects his thoughts and feelings to do with marriage and how it works! The man is set to sing on stage, and it’s a solo piece (obviously because I’m pretty sure his wife probably has her own version!).

Before he begins, he gives a disclaimer to the audience: “I did the choreography myself.” He then bursts into a crazy yet funny song about what a man should NOT say to his wife if he wants to “live a long and happy life.”

People all over the world found this solo absolutely hilarious, and it may just be because it’s true! After all, truth is stranger and funnier than fiction, so I’m pretty sure this modern Shakespeare comes from an honest place. What do you think? We enjoyed listening to the song and are hoping that you like it, too! It’s definitely worth a look if you’re in need of a good laugh!

So, click on the link below and check it out for yourself! You might start cracking up but don’t say we didn’t warn you…

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