Sweet First Interaction Between Orphan And Adopted Mom

I just absolutely love hearing stories like this. This is the kind of feel-good story that makes you (definitely, me!) feel all warm and gooey inside, knowing that there are kind-hearted people out in this world looking to make a difference. People who see other people for who they are, their spirit, and their soul. That’s what humanity is about, after all.

This is a beautiful tale of Brent and Audrey Shook who have been talking about adopting a child since they were in high school. Yep, these two, madly-in-love high school sweethearts have dreamed about this moment for decades and here it is unfolding, right before their eyes! We’re also going to share it with you!

The couple always knew they wanted to adopt a child from China. Audrey knew, even as a little girl, that this was what she wanted. There was always a yearning, but when Audrey got pregnant, they put their dream on hold. The couple got pregnant, and life got busy. Adoption was always a discussion, and something they wanted to do, but with five kids, it’s no wonder the timing didn’t seem right.

It wasn’t until years later that Brent and Audrey saw a video of Lucy, an adorable little Chinese girl with Down Syndrome, that the timing seemed to have finally fallen into place! It was when Audrey saw Lucy that she instantly fell in love and knew she and Brent had to adopt.

The orphanage Lucy comes from is specifically for kids with disabilities who are seen as “unwanted.” Lots of these kids have been on waiting lists for adoption their entire lives – Lucy included. She was abandoned at only four weeks old.

So, with all the paperwork and logistics in place, and with a lot of love, hope, and faith, the Shook family was able to adopt the little girl. The video is the touching moment when Lucy gets escorted off the plane, and Audrey gets to hold her baby girl for the first time. It’s a long-awaited, beautiful union made even more moving when Audrey introduces herself as “momma” and Lucy says “momma” back without hesitation. The two embrace, and don’t ever want to let go. Audrey breaks down in tears of joy as she wholeheartedly welcomes another member into her family. It’s about time their wish came true.

Click below to watch this clip which is sure to pull on your heartstrings.

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