Dog Becomes Parent To 3 Newborn Ducklings

Instagram, dudetherapy

In a world dominated by news that changes its tune every passing minute, it’s heartwarming to see a love that knows no boundaries. It’s an instinct so strong that it breaks through to be inclusive of other babies in need, and defies gender roles.

This is The Dude and he’s a Golden Retriever with a big heart, playing “mom” to three itty bitty newborn ducklings named Marge, Dot, and Frances. The Dude has taken on his new role with pleasure and is loving every second of it.

It all started when this trio of 1-day-old baby ducks met a curious dog in a cardboard box. With the ducklings’ mother nowhere in sight, it was up to The Dude to babysit these strange, fuzzy, and alien-looking creatures. At first glance, he didn’t quite understand what on earth he was dealing with. He stuck his head in the box, trying to process the weirdness of these small creatures running around.

But, after each duckling was introduced to the baffled dog, he started to warm up. After a little time spent with the small, webbed-feet creatures, The Dude took quite a liking to his new gang. And, most importantly, he didn’t try to eat them for breakfast.

So now, The Dude is “mom,” and the little duckies are super attached to their new furry caretaker. They started to climb him almost immediately. After they realized that they weren’t going to be eaten, Marge, Dot, and Frances grew to love how soft and fluffy mom was, not wasting any time having a lot of fun with this new playground of fur! And The Dude didn’t mind much either.

In fact, it’s his big fluffy tail that the little duckies seemed to want to nest in. Without a nest or nesting situation of their own, it seemed like a natural progression to move towards the dog’s tail. It’s moments like these that helped forge a bond and create their family dynamic. The Dude was there when the babies first went swimming, and now that they’re teenagers, they like to run around in a pack. They may not be able to play fetch together, but they sure are one cute and happy little family – they even play fight just like every other family! You can’t help but fall in love with this crew.

Click on the video below to get the scoop on the gang.

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