I love this story. It showcases a very positive side of the effects of social media, how it’s not only for selfies and food posts. In this case, it was used for very selfless purposes and garnered probably just as many likes as any post about the city’s best slice of pizza or must-have hamburger. Even the magnitude of the breadth and reach of how far a single, important message can go and spread awareness is a sign of the times.
I didn’t expect this story to be so heavy hitting. But, it was a silent prayer that was given a voice, and its answer just happened to show up at the right place and right time – Costco!
It was just another trip to the local Costco for Karen Aguayo when she and a couple of friends came to a screeching halt, after reading a man’s shirt. It was 67-year-old Robert Duran’s plain black shirt, with white lettering that stopped Karen and her friends in their tracks.
Neatly and boldly written on the back of his shirt, read:
“Kidney donor needed, Type B+, Ask me how.”
They wasted no time in getting to know his story. Robert is going through kidney failure which means he’s on dialysis three times a week. Each time is four hours spent enduring the process that is keeping him alive through stage five kidney disease. Karen and her crew snapped a few photos of Robert and shared it online, and the feedback has been staggering.
Robert’s story continues. Click on to the next page to see what Karen did next.
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