Teacher Gifts Students With Easter Baskets


Some people are always in the spirit of giving. Regardless of any occasion or festivity, or the lack of, you’ll find these people in the middle of a crowd giving away whatever they can, to make those around them happy. For a lot of people, giving makes them happy, and I think this gesture truly defines true human spirit.

The story we’re sharing today is also about someone who believes in giving, and going above and beyond for his students. Brent Walker is a fifth-grade teacher at Sheehy Elementary School in Tampa. As Easter was fast approaching, the man decided that he wanted to do something special for the students this year.

His initial plan was to head over to the local Walmart and buy plastic Easter eggs so that his class can take part in an egg hunt. But his mind changed when he walked into the store and saw big, decorated Easter baskets full of chocolates and toys. Brent knew that these baskets would take his students by surprise.

That’s when Brent posted a heartfelt post on Facebook wondering if any of his friends would help donate whatever it is they can to make this Easter surprise possible for his students. The response he got was impeccable. In no time, Brent was able to buy enough baskets and material to fund for all three of his classes.

Now, all he needed to do was head back to the school and put his plan into action — he worked through the night to make it all possible.

The next morning, when the students came into the classroom, they didn’t know how to react to these special gifts.

Click below to watch the kids get happy and appreciate all that their teacher has done for them! This story will make your heart happy.

Source: FaithTap

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