Teacher Takes Student Out To Dinner And Buys Him A Car After Nobody Came to His Graduation

It brings sadness to my heart knowing how differently young adults’ academic achievements get celebrated. Some students come from families where they get monetary awards every time they come home with good grades on their report card, get taken out for ice cream after they do well on a major exam, and get a big gift from their family when they graduate.

Other students’ families couldn’t seem to care less about their academics. Some families shrug off their child’s good grades. Some may even scold their child for not getting straight A’s, even though their grades are still phenomenal. Some may not even be involved in their child’s academics at all, not knowing if their kid is failing or passing with flying colors. It hurts me to the core.

A high school student from Alabama had to experience a very lonely graduation day on June 25, 2020 when nobody showed up to watch him and cheer him on during his Bessemer City High School ceremony.

One teacher who was apart of coordinating the graduation, Dom Moore, couldn’t help but notice that something seemed off with the high school graduate. It seemed odd considering other graduates at the ceremony were giddy and upbeat knowing they’ve accomplished something big.

“I know his moods and I knew he wasn’t himself,” he teacher said.

Upon further investigating the situation, the teacher realized why the graduating student was upset.

“I asked him, ‘Where are your people?’ and he was like, ‘Nobody’s here.”

The teacher’s heart broke immediately. He was left speechless at first, but then he told the student, “I expect big things from you and it’s going to be OK.”

The teacher thought maybe his loved ones were just unable to show up due to schedule conflicts and figured his family would at least stop by to pick him up after the ceremony, but he was wrong. 7:30 p.m. rolled around, and he student was still there, alone.

So, Mr. Moore asked the recently-graduated student if he needed a ride home, which he agreed to.

But the student was in for a big treat. Mr. Moore took the young adult out to whatever restaurant he wanted, which happened to be The Cheesecake Factory where they enjoyed a nice meal along with a tasty dessert.

Prior to the meal, both Mr. Moore and the graduate were upset about the entire situation, but as they settled down and got to eating, they were having a great time.

Mr. Moore wouldn’t normally post about situations pertaining to his students, let alone, a picture of them online. However, in this situation, he felt strongly compelled to post an image of him and the student eating after graduation. He explained the situation to his Facebook friends and even provided his Cash App ID ($mooredaeducator) for anyone who would be willing to help deliver a blessing to the student.

With over $5,000 worth of donations, the grateful student was able to open a bank account thanks to Mr. Moore’s help. The teacher also hopes to be able to financially prepare the student to buy a car, get his own housing, and get into college. My eyes are definitely watering at this point!

Mr. Moore is such a good man for helping this student out whose family may be unable to. He definitely helped get him on the right track in life.

“We take people and life for granted. Even though we have bad, in this moment it shows that mankind is good,” Mr. Moore said.

He couldn’t have said it better.

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