People Reveal The Most Tempting Offers They’ve Had To Turn Down

Ever been in a pickle where you’re given an offer that’s just too good to be true, where you really, really, REALLY want to take it, but every fiber of your being resists? Blame it on morals, timing, having a conscience, or how you were raised. Whatever it is, you did the right thing! You deserve a pat on the back and a gold star.

Stepping away with integrity requires a lot of energy and strength, and after reading some of these hot stories, you’ll see exactly what I mean. It’s an excellent quality to have on hand, and while it may be hard to drudge up, these wonderful people did, and now we can all sit around and have a good laugh about it – or cringe. Either way, thanks guys for being brilliant examples of decent people. What goes around, comes around.

Here are a couple of nuggets of gold for your reading pleasure, guaranteed to have you questioning your own set of morals!

The Right Thing

“A super hot woman came to my birthday party. We were making out for most of the night. She tries to lead me to the bedroom for a good time, but she was so blasted she could barely walk. I wasn’t doing anything with someone this wasted, no matter how smoking hot she was.

I picked her up, took her to the bedroom and put her in the bed. I told her I would be back in a minute and I needed to do something. I came back five minutes later to check on her and she was out cold. She thanked me in the morning for not taking advantage of her.” – Reddit user

The Best Policy

“I was perhaps 15 or 16 when this happened. At my first job, I got a paycheck that the bank fudged a decimal on. It was a ton more than I should have been paid. I totally could have cashed it and it would have been the bank’s fault.

It wasn’t even anything to do with my work, but I gave it back to my boss and waited to get another one. On the plus side, I received a substantial raise a couple of months later with one of the reasons cited being my honesty.” – Reddit user

The Good Husband

“I was trapped in a somewhat intimacy free marriage (maybe twice a month… the awful, ‘Are you done yet?’ type). I was a young, good-looking guy. No kids.

I went on a trip to Vegas with the boys. We went to an exotic dance club where I hit it off with a dancer. She does all the usual ‘I’m flirting with you to take as much money as I can from you’ stuff.

I keep cool and say no… she dances anyway. She buys me drinks. I get dances and drinks for free all night. At the end of the night, she says that if I wait for her, she can go change and come back to my hotel with me. I say no. ‘I’m sorry…I can’t.’ ‘It’s free,’ she said, ‘Because I really like you.’

I refused again and went back to the hotel. ‘Are you out of your mind?!’ my friends said. Sorry, guys. I couldn’t live with myself. I’m married. I love my wife.

Fast forward 10 years and my wife is caught having an affair. Probably not her first.” –  dadstartingover_com

The Broke Student

“I was out for my nightly walk and was strolling right through the Boston Public Gardens in front of the Four Seasons hotel. Well, I found a wallet with well over $1,000 and multiple credit cards. Being a broke college student, for a brief moment, this looked like a gold mine. In the end, I decided to bring it into the hotel and leave it at the front desk.

I’m not sure how the guy found me honestly, but later that week, he sent me a very nice ‘thank you’ text message. I felt good about that one.” –  rileypoole1234

The Expensive Choice

“I used to be a slot machine attendant in a casino. I was the person who would hand-pay jackpots that were above $250. One time, a guy who had just won $150,000 made me a tempting offer.

He told me he wanted to give me $10,000 as a tip. Unfortunately, the casino that I worked at was owned by the government and I was not allowed to take tips. It was so difficult to decline – $10,000 was more than I made in three months at that time.”  – Tigerlily1510

The Mystery Trunk

“A shady friend in college knew I needed money. So, he offered to set me up with a friend who needed a car driven up from Florida. I’m thinking I might make a few hundred if they’re so well-heeled that they can’t be bothered to drive up themselves.

The job pays $10,000 – and don’t look in the trunk. Pass. Oddly, if they’d offered me less money, I might have done it, as I’d have been less certain what was in the trunk.” – Reddit user

The Un-Threesome

“I had just joined the Marine Corps and had finished boot camp. I was flying from Minnesota back to California for combat training, with a layover in Phoenix.

It was the year the Super Bowl was there, and the Patriots were playing. My flight out of Phoenix got delayed, but they set it up so I could leave my bags at the USO and they’d call me right before boarding so I could go check stuff out around the airport. These smoking hot women from New England overheard that.

Their flight back to New England was canceled and they had a hotel room. So the three of us went back there. They were both blonde, and about 20 years old. We started fooling around. I’m kissing both of them, beginning to take our clothes off, when my phone rings.

It’s the USO telling me I have about 15 minutes because the flight is already boarding. I had to leave. I was on official orders and would have been in serious trouble for missing my flight. I never got any contact information and never saw them again. But they will forever be remembered.” – flanjan

The Smallest Big Victory

“I had been clean for about eight or so months and I was feeling really good in general. I had relapsed before but I had the kind of happiness at this point that makes you smile in the car, just driving down the road. And what’s even better is that happiness kept getting better and reinforcing itself as it drove me to make good decisions. Life was and still is, good.

Anyway, this co-worker with whom I’d become friends learned that I was no stranger to illegal substances and told me that she had some pills left over from a surgery.

They were mine if I wanted them, free of charge (this girl was always out to please people, even in extreme ways. Daddy issues out the wazoo)! Now, for those of you who have never been fully immersed in the underworld, these pain pills are highly sought after and are, in my estimation, only a stone’s throw away from being as intense as smack.

There, now you understand, all I had to do was hop over to her place and bam! I’m in business in less than a half hour. Again, unless you have direct experience with such things, you can’t know how insatiable an addict’s appetite is, even one that has been clean a while.

After much internal debate, I politely text her ‘No, thank you.’

I had expected a rush of regret at turning down such a score, but instead, I was treated to a rush of self-love, finally achieving a small victory toward true remission from such a deadly, soul ensnaring pill. And since that day, each week has been better and better in my life. I think I could say no again if I found myself in a similar situation.” – HisDelvistSelf

The Taco Reward

“Some guy dropped a wad of $100 bills at a taco stand while paying. I pointed it out to him; he picked it up, didn’t even say thanks. The guy behind me paid for my tacos and said I should have taken it. But, I still feel good that I did the right thing.” – Reddit user

The Ultimate Test

“I saw two full bags of smack outside my apartment about 4 or 5 months after getting clean. I kept walking. That’s not who I am anymore.” – FracasBedlam

The Boss’ Wife

“I had my boss’ wife approach me at the annual office Christmas party and ask me if I wanted to have a threesome with them. I politely declined and figured that would be that. But she didn’t stop there.

When I turned her down, she offered me $1,000. I still said no, so she upped it to $5,000! I politely declined again. I know I should have been offended that someone offered me money for that, but I was dying on the inside.

He was hot, and his wife was hotter. Plus, who among us couldn’t use an extra $5,000? I thought he’d be awkward as could be afterwards, but it was never mentioned between us and we carried on as usual. I wound up working for him for 5 more years, and when I left, they threw me a huge baby shower and purchased all of the baby furniture I had registered for. We still keep in touch 15 years later.” – Reddit user

The Other Side Of The Coin

“I had a friend in college who was a math genius – he passed his actuarial exams as a sophomore. He called me a couple years later and offered me a job as his partner laundering money. Told me I would get a 50% cut. He made $250,000 in a year, whereas I made $30,000. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have morals.” – Reddit user

How did you find these stories and the way the people reacted? Tell us in the comments below!

Source: Tickld

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