Students Perform Song At Teacher’s Wedding

Wedding season is upon us, and I know that I’m ready to make all my appearances with a total of five weddings lined up between now and the end of the year. I love getting dressed up and spending a day with family and friends, being a part of the bride and groom’s big day. Weddings are all about celebrating love and the union of two people, and it’s a beautiful moment.

Speaking of beautiful moments, the moment in the video below is something that the bride will cherish forever because this gesture is a thoughtful gift from her new husband.

Liz is a dance and musical theatre teacher at Jaykays Dance Company in the UK. She is so close to all her students, so when Miss. Liz got engaged to Ollie, it was obvious that her class would be thrilled! Although the students weren’t invited to the wedding, we’re sure that they were extremely happy to know that their teacher was marrying the love of her life.

The clip starts with both Liz and Ollie standing at the altar ready to say their vows. As the camera closes in on the couple, both of them turn around and Ollie points to the balcony of the church; Liz is instantly in tears.

The scene switches to the balcony, and there you have Liz’s entire class singing “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri. Ollie came together with JayKays and organized this surprise for his blushing new bride to see her happy at the sight of some of her favorite people. We’re sure that the kids were honored to sing at their teacher’s wedding.

I have to say that this is something that I haven’t seen before. I know there are a plenty of surprise dances done by men and women, brides and grooms, but I think this gesture on behalf of the groom is so touching. It’s not something you want to miss.

Watch the complete surprise unfold below and make sure to grab a tissue; this one is special.

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