Living outside of the city has its perks. More parking, less traffic, wider roads, and lots of nature. LOTS of nature that includes parks, and bigger lawns and bigger backyards. Plus, much lusher gardens and backyards and lawns – more sprawling bushes, and plants, and just a surplus of greenery! With way less concrete jungle available, the outskirts of the city become a haven for nature.
And having more nature around is great, but it comes with its own set of problems that all homeowners are much too familiar with!
And that’s the wildlife. Depending on where you are, the term wildlife can differ. But in this case, I’m talking about city wildlife, like raccoons, and opossums and squirrels – oh my! These cute creatures are good at getting themselves into places they shouldn’t be in, like the recycling and garbage cans or digging up holes in the garden or climbing up poles in the backyard!
So, to avoid any potential problems and to keep the birds happy, this mom took action. She noticed how the squirrels liked to keep an eye on the birds in the birdhouse at the top of the pole. Knowing how persistent these little furry guys are, she knew she had to be clever to effectively deter them. By slathering the pole in oil, not only did she fix her problem, and not harm the squirrel, she managed to get a few good laughs out of the creature sliding down the pole like a firefighter! It’s all quite hysterical!
Click below to watch this little guy struggle up and just glide right down!