Street Performer Singing On Street When Woman Abruptly Interrupts For A Chilling Duet


Cities and towns are filled with all kinds of interesting people. While we tend to think mostly about ourselves, our lives, and our responsibilities, we fail to think that everyone else also has their own story to tell.

Perhaps you notice the gentleman who checks out your groceries or the lady that fills your prescription at the pharmacy. Maybe, you actually “see” the bus driver or your child’s teacher. Each of those people is important, and whether we see it or not, we’re all connected in some way. 

On a regular day, it’s easy to pass by performers on the street and barely notice them. Like all of the other people that we don’t know, they are just a part of the scenery. Sometimes, you stop and listen or even put a tip in their case. Other times, you’re in a hurry, so you walk by without giving them a second thought.

Lampa Faly is a reggae street musician with the magical ability to brighten whatever space he chooses to perform in. He’s usually a solo act, but on one particular day, he interrupted his routine with a duet. Accompanied by his drummer, he sings the first words to Bob Marley’s “Three Little Birds.” As he sings, he hears a voice from the crowd.

Unexpectedly, a woman dressed in business attire has chimed into the song — she has an exceptional voice. Both Lampa and the drummer encourage her to join them on their “stage.” At first, she’s reluctant, but she eventually gives in. For everyone able to witness this “concert,” they got to enjoy a special moment.

The woman, whose name is Dasha Pearl, is a fantastic performer. The crowd loves her, and so do we!

Watch their impromptu performance and please like and share!

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