People Struggle To Walk On Ice-Covered Road

According to the calendar, spring has arrived. It’s almost Easter, the day that kids scramble around in backyards, scanning the green grass and bushes for bright, cheery colored eggs. Everything is decorated in flowers that mimic the colors of sun and florals.

Birds should be chirping in the trees and plants should be popping up in the soil. The sun feels warmer, and it’s time to start shedding those winter layers. In no time, cold days indoors will disappear, only to be replaced with warm days spent outside in the sunshine.

All of this should be true, yet I’m having trouble relating to it. Even while the local school kids are on spring break and the days are definitely longer, it still feels decidedly wintery around here. Last week we had our biggest snowstorm of the season, on the first day of spring, no less. Next week, after Easter, promises even more snow. I can’t even consider putting away my winter coats and boots, and the started seedlings for my summer vegetable garden are still temporarily living in the dining room.

So, in honor of the winter that never wants to end, I have a video of more people suffering through the coldest, most miserable season of the year. I hate to say it, but watching this makes me appreciate that even though our spring still looks like winter, it’s not as bad as this!

In the video below, an entire street is completely covered in a sheet of ice. It’s obviously extremely difficult to walk on, but that doesn’t stop people from trying. I certainly hope that no one was hurt, but they may want to keep off the ice next time.

Watch the hilarious video below and please like and share!

Source: Thrillist

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