I Heard Mysterious Voices Speaking Through My Headphones

“I had just booted up my new computer for the first time and plugged in my headphones. I was fiddling with some boot settings, no other programs running, clean system nothing installed yet. Suddenly, I heard in my headphones a voice ‘Hang on a sec. Ok, go.’ Then another voice started yelling ‘HEY HEY HEEEEEY!’ (slightly raspy). Startled, I pulled the headphones off. That was it. Never heard it again.”

Another User Comments:
“Oh man, that reminds me of a similar story. I used to do some, shall we say, ‘private security work’ – meaning, surveillance. Some people like to call it private investigation, but let’s be honest – I got paid to spy on people.

One of the varieties of things we would use were computer programs like keyloggers, remote screen viewers, etc. We could even turn on the person’s microphone without them knowing, and listen to them while they thought they were alone on their computer.

Well one time, we got paid to watch this one fellow. I am pretty sure it was a standard girl-thinks-he’s-cheating situation (why she cared, I have no idea – the guy was a giant fatty). We installed some surveillance around his place, got into his computer, and installed various programs. We finally finish all of this, and guess what? The guy goes and buys a new computer. Dammit.

So we have to scrap all the stuff we’ve installed on his old computer already, and find another opportunity to sneak in and install our new software on the new computer.

Fortunately, we see the guy come home with the computer and then go out again soon after – he couldn’t have even started it up in that time period. So I keep lookout, while my partner Joe breaks in and starts installing stuff on there. Well the guy we’re watching comes back sooner than expected, and Joe has to finish up quick and hightail it out of there.

Turns out he messed up the install juuuust a bit. We’re watching our system and we see he’s turned on the computer, booted it up for the first time. We’re running through the diagnostic startups for the various programs, and we get to the one for listening in on his microphone – we start running the checks, Joe tells me to hang on a second and then go ahead.

I look down at my screen and realize we’ve got the damn thing set to do TWO WAY COMMUNICATION! Meaning, if this guy has the sound on, he can HEAR US TALKING!

I freak out, I’m shouting at Joe, he hits the kill switch, and we wait… did the guy hear us? Is our cover blown?

But it seems he didn’t notice or didn’t care. There was a slight pause, and then he started installing programs on his new computer like nothing had even happened.

We really lucked out with that one.” storyreversal

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