Officer Jokingly Demonstrates Standard Car Feature That Some Drivers Ignore

Ah, the sense of freedom that comes with driving, there’s nothing quite like it! I love having my windows down, and music turned up, cruising down the highway knowing all the possibilities that lay before me on this one road! I can go to my local grocery store, or I can travel cross country. It’s the feeling of being in charge of my destiny and the driver of my own life. It’s exhilarating — well until some jerk cuts me off.

Let’s face it. As much of a gift and privilege driving is, something so great doesn’t come without disadvantages – like reckless drivers who make dangerous decisions and aren’t very courteous! Reckless drivers are a common cause of many fender-benders and accidents that happen on the roads. These can be avoided if they were just a bit more careful. The collisions can also be prevented by listening in on the tips in the video below.

Officer John Perrine works for the Indiana State Police Department and created a video to showcase an incredible car feature that has proven time and time again how it helps save lives and – bonus!!– it even reduces road rage. That’s right, it’s a nifty little mechanism that EVERY SINGLE CAR HAS and it works wonders. He opens his video by saying, “What if I told you there’s a feature on every car that’s standard, that’ll not only prevent crashes but also help prevent road rage…”

At this point, you’re probably wondering what on earth this life-changing feature could be, and how you’ve been missing out on it for all these years! Well, ladies and gentlemen, lo and behold the little turn-y stick to the left of the wheel. You might know it better as the “turn signal” or the tuning indicators.

All while keeping a very straight face, Officer Perrine goes on a little tour of the car factually explaining how a turn signal works. He demonstrates how to turn it on, what it does and why it’s so important we use indicators not just for safety but to also be a better and more respectful driver when indicating your next move to either change lanes or turn. It’s a great video, and reminder. I’m sure we could all be a little better at putting our signals on!

Click below to watch this officer’s dry humor hit home an important point — we’re sure everyone learned a little something with this one!

Source: ShareTap

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