Little Boy Belly Flops In Pool Instead Of Diving

As a child, I loved going to the local community center and playing in the pool during the family fun swimming hours. My siblings and I never knew how to swim so we’d stick around by the shallow end and splash around; there were days that I would even sit outside on the edge of the pool and just wade my feet, but the fact that I was at the pool was satisfying.

Since we didn’t know how to swim, one of my parents would always be close by, supervising and making sure we don’t land ourselves in any sort of trouble. My dad is a really good swimmer and there were days where he’d try to teach my siblings and me a thing or two about swimming. He would try to have the three of us line up by the edge of the pool and ease us into simple tricks on swimming. We never got them, and we never ended up learning how to swim, but at least he can say he tried!

That is very similar to the mother in the video below! It seems like it’s a summer day and mom is trying to occupy both her sons. They don’t look anything older than about fives years old, it’s the perfect age to get them started on some solid swimming lessons.

The boys are standing by the edge of the pool wearing their swimming shorts and little floaties around their arms to help them in the water. They’re looking straight ahead, serious about taking on a large amount of water ahead of them. Mom starts off by directing them on how to keep their arms up and straight above their heads — they’re learning how to dive. Then, as per mom’s actions, you jump right in, head first, and swim off. Seems simple and nothing to be afraid of, right? (Don’t try this at home if you don’t know how to swim. It’s important to take professional lessons before attempting a dive in the swimming pool.)

Son number one takes the next dive. He’s got his stance ready but, by the looks of it, he’s a little reluctant to fully jump in. So, he half-jumps half-dives into the water. But, he made it, and that’s all that matters.

Next comes son number two. Now, maybe he didn’t understand how the dive worked or perhaps he wasn’t even paying attention to instructions, because what he does is absolutely hilarious. Instead of putting his arms above his head, this little guy keeps them loose at his sides and just lets his body go, belly-flopping into the pool. Not the dive we were hoping for, but it’s a funny sight! He manages to swim right off like it was nothing!

Click below to watch the hilarious dive go down!

Source: FaithTap

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