A large part of being in the military includes training, hard work, and precision. All of those things are necessary so that those who are serving can perform their jobs to the best of their abilities. That kind of practice and dedication lends itself to other areas, like dancing.
You may be thinking, “What does dancing have to do with the military?” Well, in militaries all over the world, some soldiers give performances for the public. They may be in a military band or part of a group that shows off their talents with different types of military-style “dance” routines.
This may not be the type of dance that you normally think of. It still involves intense choreography and a certain amount of grace, but like most things in the military, it is all about working together to achieve the desired effect. These members of the Royal Thai Navy know that their performance relies one hundred percent on teamwork. If one person is out of sync, the entire thing is ruined. But, these men are perfection, and no one makes a single mistake.
The men line up and slowly, one by one, each of the men ducks down and then begins to stand up. The man next to him does the same thing, all the way down the line. Each man repeats the motion in perfect timing to create a wave-like effect. At first, they do it slowly, and it looks really neat. We can see each man moving individually and get an idea of how they make it happen.
Then, the music and energy changes. One man jumps high in the air, and the whole process speeds up. The men start to move as one, and you can’t tell them apart. It’s spectacular!
After reading the above, and then watching the video, do you agree that there is a correlation between the strict routine of soldiers and a dancer? It all requires discipline and hard work!
You have to see for yourself! Watch the video below.
If you enjoyed the footage, then don’t forget to share this remarkable act with your family and friends! I’m sure they’ll love it!