Shy Girl Takes Centre Stage And Sings Powerhouse Version of “Hallelujah”

What was one of the first skills you learned as a child? Do you remember? I can’t quite tell you about my first experiences with walking, talking, and eating on my own, but I know that it was one of the most basic skills that I picked up first. There was nothing extraordinary about what I was doing in life at the age of 1.

Some kids, however, pick up on skills when they are young and work on them until they’ve mastered the craft. For example, every child that sings has, no doubt, been practicing for years. It only makes sense to make this assumption because these children are so good at what they do, it can only be hours and hours of practice. Music is no easy feat and kids need to learn exactly what adults do if they want to be successful in their chosen industry.

To command presence and maintain composure is difficult for most adults. Not everyone finds comfort and solace while in the limelight leading a pack of classmates or colleagues. This is certainly not the case for Kaylee Rodgers, a 10-year-old student at Killard House School in Donaghadee, Northern Ireland, who has been glowing ever since discovering her musical talent.

Her dedicated music teacher Lloyd Scates discovered her inclination early on, encouraging her to pursue solos and develop her voice and confidence – Kaylee has autism and ADHD, resulting in learning delays regarding her literacy and numeracy.

Rodger’s mother Tracy admits her daughter has always loved singing, but it was music teacher Mr. Scates at the Killard House who helped Kaylee emerge out of her shell. Without the support, it’s unclear if Kaylee would be where she is right now. Tracy also considers Mr. Scates to be a great source of empowerment for her daughter, as well as her “safety blanket.”

This normally quiet little girl is a powerhouse vocalist who hits Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” out of the park, reaching those hard to tackle high and heavy low notes. In this version, the lyrics are rewritten by contemporary Christian rock band Cloverton, but the delivery and feeling is still the same – evocative and moving. Kaylee’s magnetism as she leads her class is apparent, standing tall and strong with the spirit of an old soul.

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