Family Photo Is Disrupted When Parents Don’t Recognize Girl Who Jumps In And Then Turns Around

Whenever a family gets together, it’s always a fun and colorful time. In any culture, from anywhere in the world, family time means gathering under the same roof for lots of food, photos and catching up, and it’s a chance to see extended members who you normally wouldn’t get to see otherwise.

And, in today’s busy and hectic way of life, friends and family are scattered everywhere on the planet. New jobs, school, relocation, there’s just so many reasons that make having a gathering with everyone seem like it’s near impossible sometimes.

For North Americans, the second biggest holiday (#1 is Christmas) is Thanksgiving, a tradition that dates back to 1621, in Plymouth, Massachusettes, where pilgrims celebrated a 3-day harvest feast with Native Americans. Fast forward 250 years, in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln declared it a national holiday to give thanks and heal the wounds of the civil war, a long-standing tradition still held today.

In this video, we open up to a lively kitchen on Thanksgiving. Everyone has congregated in here (as with most gatherings and parties) and people are milling around, hugging each other, saying hi and introducing themselves if they haven’t already met. The counter is teeming with beautiful platters of food for everyone to nibble on and there’s a big bouquet of flowers. It’s a generally happy moment – and it’s about to get better.

The woman holding the camera asks, “Do you guys want to take a picture with your dad?” She’s trying to corral everyone because there’s a big surprise coming up. Dad is standing there in a checkered shirt with his sunglasses hanging off his collar, waiting for the next instruction. The immediate family is finally in place, ready for the shot, when the woman says, “Oh, we’re missing Sheridan! Get a picture of Sheridan…”

Sheridan is the one family member who couldn’t make it to this year’s celebration. Away at college, she had to skip this holiday so she could focus on her studies. Little does anyone know, Sheridan was able to make it out and catch everyone off guard. Seconds later, she comes bounding out from the kitchen and pulls off a great photobomb. Dad didn’t even realize it for moments, ready for the picture and smiling. It was when Sheridan turns around and looks at him that he clues in, while mom breaks down in tears and everyone else has a really good laugh! It’s a heartwarming Thanksgiving surprise!

Click the video below to watch this family gathering get really good!

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