Seven Newfoundland Puppies Are Rescued From Desolate Island

Recently, several Newfoundland puppies were found stranded on an island in the middle of a lake in Canada. A local boater named Junior Cook was out on the water with a friend and they heard what they thought were animal sounds. But, it was getting dark and they couldn’t see anything. They had no idea that there was a litter of seven Newfoundland puppies living all alone.

“They took their binoculars and they couldn’t see anything but some dark shadows, and they heard a bunch of crying,” she told CBC News. “They thought originally it was wolves.” Junior was eventually able to get onto the island and discovered the puppies and started feeding them.

Even though he was able to give the puppies food, they were very scared of people and he couldn’t approach them. At a loss for what to do to help, he reached out to Norway House Animal Rescue. Volunteers planned a rescue and made the long journey north to help save the pups. “Operation ‘Gilligan’s Island’ is underway,” the group wrote on its Facebook page. Throughout the rescue, they updated their followers on the unique situation.

After the rescue, volunteers from the animal rescue drove the puppies back to Winnipeg. There, the puppies will be looked after and will learn to be comfortable around humans. The hope is that they will eventually be adopted into loving forever homes.

They named the rescue mission the “Gilligan’s Island Crew” because they have no idea how the puppies became shipwrecked on the island. My guess is that they didn’t willingly go on their three-hour tour, but that someone abandoned them there. Fortunately, some caring people were there to get them to safety.

“They will be the Gilligan’s Island Crew — four boys, three girls,” Debra, told CBC News. “As we meet them, we will attach their names based on their personality — you know, who’s the goof, who’s the boss.”

She said that the puppies were still getting used to being around humans. “They’re getting better with people now, which is a good thing because they were terrified of them when they first came.”

When the dogs had made it safely to their new home in Winnipeg, the rescue was sure to let everyone know. “Operation Gilligan’s Island is now complete,” the group wrote. “Over 1700 kilometers or converted to over 1000 miles traveled to pick up the puppies and other homeless animals.”

Watch the video below to see the happy pups in their new home! Please like and share!

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