School Closed For Snow Day, Camera Records Principal’s Hilarious Antics While Everyone’s Gone

As a kid, snow days are the best thing ever. During the winter months, we would diligently watch the weather report on the local news, hoping to see snow in the forecast. Here in Virginia, snowstorms don’t happen very often, but because of that, when they do, it’s almost certain that schools in most counties will shut down. Schools even close if there is no snow on the ground, but only the threat of snow!

I can remember going to sleep the day before a forecasted snowstorm, hoping that the next day would be a day off. We had a silly superstition that sleeping with our pajamas inside out would cause it to snow. We may have not really believed in it, but we did it anyway — we were willing to do anything that would help it snow. Overnight, I would wake up several times, checking out the window and hoping for snow. In the morning, the first thing I would do is check the local news again, anxious to see my school district on the list of closings.

For kids, a snow day means a day off from school, and most likely sledding and snowball fights. For parents, teachers, and school administrators, it’s just an interruption in their busy routines and schedules. Often, school employees have to report to work, even if it’s only for a short time.

The school principal in this video still shows up on snow days. But, he makes the best of the nearly empty school building. Gerry Brooks is an elementary school principal in Lexington, Kentucky. On a recent snow day, he decided to show everyone what he does when the kids have the day off, and he doesn’t. His video of the day is absolutely hilarious! Every school needs a principal like Mr. Brooks!

Watch the video below!

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