Isolated Bear Makes A Friend

As someone who has pets and cares for animals on a daily basis, I am absolutely heartbroken when I see or hear stories of an animal being abused or neglected. As humans, we essentially have the ability to affect the planet in nearly infinite ways, and that includes the lives of the other beings on Earth. As the powerful “stewards of the Earth,” it’s up to us to be responsible for every life and how they are treated.

Now, I understand that it’s an overwhelmingly huge thing to think about, especially when many of us are just trying to survive and get by. So, it’s easier to think of these things on a much smaller scale. Just a little bit of kindness can make an enormous difference to those around us, and that includes animals, not just people.

It’s no secret that there are people out there who mistreat animals. But, while we can’t save every animal in the world that has been put in a bad situation by human beings, we can help to save the ones right in front of us. Sometimes, that just means speaking up when we see something so that rescuers, the amazing folks who dedicate their lives to saving animals, can come in and do their job. It’s a small, simple thing, but it can make a huge difference in an animal’s life.

Riku the bear spent the first two years of his life in a windowless shed, neglected, abused, and chained up with a tether so short that he could barely move. Someone reported the abuse and the Four Paws International team brought Riku to the Dancing Bears Park Belitsa in Bulgaria, a place where blind, deaf, and injured bears can recover and live in peace.

The workers at the sanctuary initially kept Riku on his own — he was terrified and needed to recover. In addition, he had never been around other bears and they were unsure how he would react. Gradually, he was allowed to meet other bears, safely, with a fence between them.

After some time, his caretakers felt that Riku was ready to take the next step and he was allowed to meet Gabriela, a 22-year-old female bear. The two became fast friends and their companionship has helped Riku to heal even further from the trauma he endured.

Watch the story of “The Saddest Bear In Europe” in the video below and see the moments went Riku meets his first real friend. Please like and share!

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