“Ride” A Toboggan Down A Mountain in Switzerland For Free From The Safety Of Your Home

If there’s anywhere I want to travel to one day outside of the United States, it’s definitely Switzerland. Enjoying the fresh, mountain air; gorging on cheese and chocolate; and learning how to ski for the very first time? Um, count me in!

But even if I wanted to fly to Switzerland tomorrow, I couldn’t with the C*********s outbreak. Fortunately, there is a way you can technically visit Switzerland without stepping a foot out of your home and all for the cost of zero dollars and zero cents. How? By “riding” a toboggan down a Swiss mountain via a video posted on the Internet!

In one particular video, we receive beautiful, first-person perspective footage of the Rodelbahn experience (basically, summer sledding, only that you ride on a track versus down a snowy hill). Along the enjoyable ride, we witness gorgeous, green grass surrounding us and crystal-clear Alpine mountains in the near distance. The scenery alone is enough to really “wow” a person.

The toboggan whips around numerous twists and turns as well as up and down the curvy land along the shiny, slide-like track. And although you might get a little motion sick if you’re prone to that, the speed and motion of the experience is nothing a young child couldn’t handle!

Even though the footage taken is thrilling and exciting, at the same time, it’s quite relaxing and not something that would necessarily trigger a fight-or-flight reaction. Why can’t we have more forms of entertainment like this?

“Geezz..beautiful scenery…and the ride goes so slow you can sight-see too! Probably bring a cup of coffee along. ha ha,” said one person in the comments. Make that a hot chocolate instead, and I’ll be on that toboggan in no time!

To give credit, the video was filmed by 28-year-old Rushabh Chheda. Chheda is originally from Mumbai, India but is currently residing in the Netherlands. I don’t know this man, but I do know two things: he provided us some killer footage, and he knows how to have a good time.

Believe me when I say that you will love zipping around the Alps on a summer sled. I hope that one day, all of us who wish to experience this is person will soon be able to.

For now, you can partake in the virtual ride below! And if you end up loving this toboggan ride as much as I did, I also recommend you “ride” the Glacier Express train through Switzerland as well.

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