No living being can stand being abandoned. When we feel unwanted, unloved, and uncared for, we typically translate that to our self-esteem, feeling as if we are not good enough.
But, it isn’t just people who feel abandoned at times; animals can experience this feeling too. Unfortunately, you may have watched the viral video of a blue heeler dog, Rawhide, who was abandoned by his “owner” at a shelter. The pup was chasing him as he drove away in his truck. It’s disheartening footage like this one that makes us realize that nobody wants to be left to fend for themselves, especially helpless animals; we all want love.
Before getting further into the story, below is the video clip of the poor blue heeler abandoned at the shelter; this incident took place on September 29, 2018. However, I must warn you as the video might bring tears to your eyes.
To start, the so-called owner drops Rawhide on the front door of Hawkin’s County Humane Society (HCHS) in Tennessee, not even bothering to take him inside the shelter. As he drives away, the dog realizes what’s happening and quickly tries to chase after the car. Unfortunately, the dog even chased the truck onto the highway because he wanted to go home with his owner, not accepting the fact that the man was doing it on purpose.
Apart from the actual abandonment, the saddest thing about this incident is that the canine had no idea at first that his owner was discarding him, considering there’s an obvious communication barrier between humans and animals. Poor Rawhide seemed mostly calm, trailing after his owner in the clip – except when he gave the man a little nudge to get his attention – only to later realize that his “owner” wasn’t taking him with him in the truck. I can’t even fathom the hurt going through this poor pup’s head.
While the man who dropped Rawhide off claimed to police that he was never his dog, only an attached stray, the distressing clip will never be etched away from my head.
But, fortunately, that’s not the end to Rawhide’s story, or should I say, Toby (his new name). It turns out, after the sad scene, the center took him in and he was adopted by a loving family.
A new video came out featuring Toby, again, running – but not after a car driving away from him, but instead in a playful manner because he can’t contain the joy he feels since his new family welcomed him into their lives.
This time around, the love is mutual as Taylor and her family enjoy the latest member in their family, just as the furry friend feels for them. The family also owns two other blue heelers, nine horses, and 50 cows on their farm. That said, Toby not only has a great family but plenty of land to run on as well. This is a happy ending to a sad start.
While the original video of the blue heeler dog is completely heart-shattering, to say the least, you are, however, going to want to watch the latest video on this special pup! You can meet his new family and get an update on the sweet canine.
Click on the video to check out Toby’s new life!