Rare Peacock Turns Around To Show Off It’s Gorgeous Tail

Birds come in all shapes and sizes, from the tiny hummingbird to the dangerously giant ostrich. Thanks to a relatively new study, the number of species of birds thought to be on the planet has doubled. For years, it was estimated that there were between 9,000 and 10,000 species of birds. But now, that number is thought to be closer to 18,000.

“We are proposing a major change to how we count diversity,” said Joel Cracraft, an author of the study and a curator in the American Museum of Natural History’s Department of Ornithology. “This new number says that we haven’t been counting and conserving species in the ways we want.” This new study takes into account new ways in which scientists are classifying different species.

I’m personally drawn to the beautiful, intelligent parrots. The fact that they can learn to talk has always fascinated me. But, parrots represent just a tiny percentage of the birds on the planet, and there are many more gorgeous birds out there. Have you ever seen a peacock? You may have come across a peacock feather – the big, long gorgeously green and blue colored feathers that are bright and vibrant.

Otherwise known as the peafowl, a peacock’s feathers are majestic. It’s the male bird that has the stunning plumage to attract a mate for breeding. While these feathers are gorgeous, there’s a new bird in town. Have you ever come across a white peacock? These stunning creatures are completely void of color, but it’s their lack of color that gives them such grandeur. You can’t not look at an all-white bird with such massive feathers. Their spread is sure to take your breath away. I mean, when have you ever come across this in your life?

While you would think that this rare bird would be found in a zoo, it was discovered in a neighborhood. This peacock, in particular, seems to know just how beautiful he is and he showed off his plumage with a full display.

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