Deer Is Stranded On Ice And Allows Rescuer To Carry Her To Safety

You can’t help but sometimes feel sorry for the animals that live in the great outdoors. Although that is their home, and it’s where they’re most comfortable, nature has its ways of throwing curve balls at us all, and there is no exception for animals.

When you find wild animals like deer living in wooded areas, you hope that they are safe in the colder weather, especially when it starts to snow. The animals are equipped with skills to survive bad weather conditions, but sometimes even they find themselves in a bit of trouble. The deer in the video below is a perfect example of this scenario.

It’s stuck in some ice on a frozen pond and doesn’t know how to make its way out. Thankfully, an Arkansan family managed to come up with a plan to rescue the deer just in time.

Donna Fletcher noticed the deer in distress and immediately called for her son and grandson to lend a hand. She says that “Family is the most important to us” and so, keeping that in mind, the rescuers got to work. They walked over to the deer with a sledgehammer to help free the animal; the animal knew that the human was there to help because it didn’t make any attempts to run away.

The man ends up lifting the deer to safety, and even when he lets it down, the deer lingers around to let the family pet it!

Watch the amazing rescue in the video below!

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