Rescue Seagull Tap Dances On Demand

I know a lot of humans who dance like no one is watching. They can be professionally trained people who dance for a living, and like to have a good time when they’re out and about with some friends or, there are also those who can’t dance to save their lives, but they will get on the dance floor at a party and dance the night away with their company. And, that’s how it should be! Regardless of how well you dance, or how badly you do the shimmy, you should always dance to your heart’s content.

If you need a little bit of encouragement, then consider watching the seagull in the video below — I can guarantee that his birdie will have you dancing in no time!

So, if you can’t fathom what you just read up there, then let me repeat myself: there is a dancing seagull in town and he loves to tap dance! At his human’s command, this little guy starts to tap dance better than a lot of humans. I know I can say this for myself — he tap dances much better than I do because I don’t know a thing about the dance form.

Tony is a Ring-billed seagull who resides at the Messinger Woods Animal Hospital and Rehabilitation Center. It’s at this rehab center that the smart birdie is learning how to pick up on, and then follow, these commands.

The fact that Tony can tap dance says a lot of about how smart seagulls really are. Not many people know, but this breed of birds has been long known to interact with humans on a regular basis. Seagulls would be the primary distraction to sailors back in the day. The birds would come on deck and distract the men with their crazy antics. It seems like after spending so much time with the sailors, some of their characteristics have definitely rubbed off on seagulls. Wouldn’t you agree?

I’ve seen dancing dogs, cats, and now have been introduced to a dancing seagull. What animals have you seen dancing? We’d love to read your stories in the comments below!

Click on the link and watch how Tony puts on a tap dancing show for everyone at the Messinger Woods Animal Hospital and Rehabilitation Center. If you enjoyed his impromptu performance, then be sure to share it with family and friends — everyone wants to see a dancing bird, I know that for sure!

Source: Rumble

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