Halloween Prop Jumps Up From Chair And Lets Out A Scream

Oh, Halloween. It means something different for everyone! For some, it’s family time. You get to dress the kiddies up and walk them down the street for bags full of candy and innocent fun. For others, they like to go for the gore and shock of it all. They LIVE for this time of year where it’s perfectly acceptable for creepy things to take center stage.

I’ve always been a fan of Halloween, but I fall somewhere in between these two sentiments. On one hand, I think kids dressed up is just the most darn tootin’ cutest thing ever. This reason is also why, as an adult, I like the idea of costumes and dressing up. Taking on another character is fun and it’s always refreshing to get out of your shell.

Now, as for scary movies and the “spooky factor,” you might find me sitting this one out. But, to those out there who deck out their houses, and love all the b***d and gore, listen up. This video is pretty harmless, there’s nothing (too) gross, it’s just totally unexpected!

Immediately, you know it’s a prop. This is not a real person. It’s a fake prop of a woman with her matted hair over her face, sitting down and hunched over. She’s wearing a long, raggedy black dress that goes from her neck to the floor covering her feet and arms. Everything is quiet until you hear the man behind the camera faintly whisper, “Go.” Then, it’s showtime.

She lifts up her head, revealing her ugly face. It’s b***died and her eyes are bulging out of her head. Her right arm is lifted with her fingers curled and creepy-looking. Her mouth is wide open, and she’s yelling a loud, b***d-curdling scream that’s enough to send shivers down anyone’s spine. But wait, it gets exponentially freakier.

As if by magic, this scary woman lunges forward, still screaming b****y murder and shaking her head (spoiler alert: it’s a scissor jack mechanism that gives her flight and propels her forward). She is thrown several feet from her chair, seemingly suspended in mid-air, convulsing and shaking and generally being a total freakshow. It is supremely scary and it lasts for moments before she’s pulled back and stops shrieking at the top of her lungs, dropping her head back down. Wow. I did not expect that.

Click the video below to watch something pretty boring-looking shock you!

Source: Reshareworthy

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