Rescue Horses Celebrate By Throwing A Pool Party

My favorite part of the summer? I’ll give you a couple of hints. It’s outside, and it’s big. It’s usually in a backyard, sometimes in the ground, sometimes above the ground. Other times, it can even be there naturally. I like to spend extra hot and sunny days near it. You know those days, the sticky hot, sunshine-y days and warms evenings – those kinds of days, and make a full production out of it like firing up the barbecue, playing summer music, inviting friends over and blowing up floaties and getting all the pool noodles — oops! Did I just let the cat out of the bag? I think I just gave it away.

Yup, for me, pool lounging and hanging is the best. Sometimes I only ever put a toe in the water and seek shade under a nearby tree, and other times I’m out there starting diving competitions off the board. Either way, a pool is such a wonderful escape during the summer heat, and I think this lot of horses would agree with me!

While they don’t have a pool per se, they’ve got a pond, and they’re treating it like it’s a pool. Shall we say pond party? Whatever you want to call it, there are a bunch of horses merely loving life. And it’s about time they have that opportunity! All these happy horses are rescues and have suffered, previously living a life filled with abuse, abandonment, neglect and some even managed to barely make it past going straight to the slaughterhouse.

These horses are saved, and now they’re at the Duchess Sanctuary, a 1,000+ acre ranch near Oakland, Oregon, USA, where they are free to roam and do whatever they want. Like Diva for example. She’s the grey horse wading right through the middle of the pond, swimming! She’s up to her neck making her way across, cooling right now and feeling good in the water. Then there’s the brown horse to the right who isn’t fully ready to make her way across and instead decides to drop down and roll around in the shallow water and mud. This horse found comfort and fun in the mucky goop, before getting out to enjoy the sun! It’s lovely to see all these hard-done-by horses find peace. They get to enjoy each other and do whatever they want on this beautiful farm, like have one heck of a horse pool party!

Click below to watch all the fun go down!

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