Stubborn Dog Hides In The Bushes Whenever Mom Says It’s Time To Leave The Park

Being a pet parent (or any type of parent for that matter), there’s always that battle between having to play an authoritative role and simply letting your furry friend be happy and do as they please. Although shredding up your expensive living room rug might make your canine proud, you know for a fact that you’ll have to discipline them for their actions.

However, there are other situations where your heart might be torn between being the “nice” owner and being the “mean” owner. You might quickly give in every time your pet sits and whimpers for a treat. Heck, you may even have a difficult time saying no to your pup when he desperately wants to play catch, even though you’re wiped out after working all day. Let’s face it, discipline can be tough—tough to bring ourselves to do and tough to do in general.

Lisa Brownson‎ is one of many canine owners who know exactly what the latter feels like. In fact, Brownson posted a video online of her stubborn, but absolutely adorable, dog acting up when she told her it was time to leave the park. Due to the fact that it’s not only relatable but utterly adorable and hilarious, the footage has gone viral on the web!

In the video, Brownson’s dog Poppy looked to be a little “camera shy” each time her owner called out her name to indicate that their day at the park was over.

“Poppy!” Brownson would yell, “Let’s go, Pops!”

Rather than listening to her mom, Poppy decided that she was not finished spending time at the park on this beautiful, sunny day. So, behind the bushes she would go!

While other dogs may loudly bark, growl, run away, or even lie flat on the floor to rebel against the commands of their owners, sweet Poppy wanted nothing more than to get her way without throwing a tantrum. She’s a peaceful protestor, that’s for sure.

The best part about the video is that after a short period of time, Poppy would spring back up, only to drop back down behind the bushes, acting as if her owner would no longer be able to locate her. Out of sight, out of mind.

Although Poppy thinks her bush-hiding skills will allow her to avoid going back home so early, Brownson certainly isn’t falling for it, though she thinks she is! Little does Poppy know that she was, however, successful in putting a smile on nearly 30,000 viewers’ faces and counting.

Watch the silly canine rebel against her owner in the video shown below. Poppy is so precious; she will steal your heart for sure!

Source: Reshareworthy

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