I’ve always been fascinated by birds as pets. From tiny parakeets to the large parrots, I think it’s amazing that people live alongside birds that in the wild would be flying around the skies. However, as I’ve always been a dog and cat owner, I think that having a bird isn’t a great idea for my particular lifestyle.
Not only am I concerned about how my current pets would react to having a feathered friend in the house, but I worry about how much time I would have to spend with them. I certainly don’t disagree with keeping certain kinds of pets in cages — a cage can give an animal a safe, comfortable place to live, but I would imagine that a cage would be isolating. It’s important for pets to have some sort of socialization and activity that is appropriate for their species, and that goes for birds, especially the larger ones.
Keeping a parrot is often compared to having a small child in the house. Parrots are intelligent and affectionate and, because of that, they require a certain amount of interaction. They are not like other pets, such as fish or reptiles, that only require a clean, comfortable place to live and proper food and care. A pet like a parrot has very specific needs and individual likes and dislikes, including their living space, food that they like, and of course, the attention they require from their owners.
Owning a parent means that they will need a proper amount of space, both in and outside their cage, the correct types and amounts of food, lots of toys for them to play with, and an owner who has plenty of free time to spend with them. A parrot is often on their own, but they require socialization, and it is their owner that must provide that.
Given the proper space, care, and attention, a parrot can be a wonderful pet. They have unique personalities that they are happy to share with their loyal caretakers, and all the hard work can pay off when your beautiful feathered friend talks to you.
The parrot in this video is named Tonka, and he loves to talk! He has a variety of words and phrases he likes to say, like “pretty bird,” “peek-a-boo,” “I love you,” “Hi, Tonka,” and “dancin’ .” He never stops chatting away as he enjoys a car ride with his owner! Tonka looks like a delightful pet, and I would bet that any day with him isn’t dull.
Watch the adorable Tonka in the video below!