Owner Tickles Husky And Pup’s Giggles Are Contagious

Who likes to be tickled? The reason I ask this question is that it is a rather sensitive topic. I know some people who get a great kick out of being tickled, and for them, it’s nothing more than plain funny. But then, there are others who get mad at even the thought of being tickled to the point of tears — these people get annoyed and upset. So, which one are you?

If you’re one of the people who doesn’t mind a good ol’ tickle fit, then join this Husky’s club! The pup in the video below seems to be really enjoying it while his owner is playfully tickling his belly.

Now, you may wonder how we know that the dog is enjoying himself as the owner tickles, right? It’s quite obvious by the way he is giggling and howling, of course! It’s quite clear that both of them share a great bond with one another and enjoy spending quality time together.

Have you ever tried tickling your pup? What is the reaction you’ve gotten in return? I know my pooch gets a kick out of it, too, very similar to the little guy in the video below.

Spending quality, and fun time, with your dog, will improve the bond the two of you share. It’s just like doing the same with kids!

Click on the link below and watch the two bonding over some tickles!


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